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Morning sunrays through Tan Oak forest, Humboldt County, CA

Rekindling Awareness

So much of daily life in the western world is about denying our instincts. Starting from an early age we are expected to sit still when we deeply desire to move and expected to move when we deeply desire to sit still. This experience continues for many adults as they rush to the gym and then rush to work where they sit in unfulfilling meetings. The discomfort of participating in senseless activities is so pervasive that it's rarely questioned. And the effects are normalized, because everyone is experiencing them. What is common has been confused for what is normal.


Additionally, many of us are severed from the Natural World. Rather than seeing ourselves in respect to the Earth, we see ourselves with respect to other humans. This has led to a lack of respect for the Earth, the Plants, and the Animals who also live here. This lack of respect is not a reflection of our True Nature or our potential as Human Creatures. What is common has been confused for what is normal.


Rekindling awareness is a space to help people reconnect to themselves and to Mother Nature. It's a space to compassionately build capacity for the pain of not being in alignment with our True Nature. And it is a space to celebrate the joy of what we Humans truly are as beings who are one with the World.

Old growth Quercus Alba, Humboldt County, CA
Sun over mountains and oak savannah, Humboldt County, CA
White moth resting on snowberry leaves, Northern Idaho, USA
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